Ghost Sighting in Haunted Self Storage Facility
British Self-Storage facility Famous for being Haunted
As the manager of The Storage Inn Self Storage in Egg Harbor Township New Jersey, I get to hear many stories about the storage industry, but I have never heard of a haunted storage facility, until now…..
I seems that the Armadillo Self Storage facility in Sheffield, England, is one of the 10 most haunted sites in the city according to local newspaper “The Star” and Steel City Ghost Tours, a local tour group. The property at 79 West Bar was originally the site of an old movie theater that was later converted to storage rental space. Witnesses claim to have seen an apparition known as Mr. Porter as well as projector lights. Others claim to have heard the projector equipment running, and feeling its vibrations even though the old projector room is empty.
The activity was most prevalent during building renovations, including a sighting of Mr. Porter, who is believed to have been a theater attendant in the theater’s glory days.. In that instance, two electricians saw a man walk past where they were working, and into an upstairs restroom. One of the workers followed the man up the stairs to tell him that the area was closed, and to ask him why he was there. When the electrician got to the bathroom, the man had vanished.
Armadillo staff also reported seeing flashing white lights coming from the old projector room, even though the room was empty. At one point, an old apprentice of Mr. Porter’s was invited to the building, During his visit the man asked if the workers were running the old projectors because he could feel the vibrations on the floor. Told the room was empty, he insisted on looking inside. When the group stood outside the door, they could reportedly hear the projector running. When they opened the door, the noise stopped. The room had been completely demolished by a fire earlier in the week.
There are still reports, from time to time, of Mr. Porter roaming the halls, and the projectors vibrating the floor. It makes me wonder, if many years from now, I might not be seen roaming the grounds of The Storage Inn in Southern New Jersey, in my little yellow golf cart. Who knows – it could happen.