Tag Archives: Somers Point Self Storage Space Rental

Animals That Would Benefit from a Storage Space Rental

Self Storage in the Animal World

Ahh, Spring is finally here as evidenced by the squirrels running around my backyard trying to figure out where they hid their acorns last fall. There’s nothing more entertaining than watching hoarders with a bad memory! Maybe I could start a self storage facility for squirrels –  “ Acorns Away”? Well, the truth is that there are many hoarders in the animal world that could probably use a storage space rental at my new facility. Here are the top 10…


The Top 10 Animal Hoarders that Would Benefit from a Storage Space Rental

10 – The Acorn Woodpecker – These birds construct a large communal storage nest to hold food for the whole local woodpecker community.


9 – Camels – Camels store fat in their humps, enough to go 6 months without food or water .


8 – Bees – Bees store their honey in individual hexagon shape cells that make up a beehive – perhaps the original self-storage complex?


7 – Beavers – Beavers live in family groups, and construct large food storage rooms out of branches .


6 – Wildcats – These cats bury small prey like birds and mice, and store larger prey in hollow trees for future consumption.

5 – Moles – Moles build large above ground mounds called fortresses which they fill with worms.


4 – Foxes – Foxes steal other animals eggs and bury them in loose soil for later use.


3 – Badgers – The gangsters of the animal world, badgers just steal from other animals caches, and take it for themselves.


2 – Hamsters –  Due to the lack of salivary glands, hamsters are able to fill their cheeks with an enormous amount of food and keep it dry.  they are able to lug around up ½  of their body volume in food!


Drum roll please !

1 – Squirrels – The number one hoarders in the animal world, squirrels will use hollow trees, holes in the ground, and any number of other areas to store acorns for the winter, thus the term “squirreling away”. Now if we could only get them to eat ginkgo biloba…..